SLRChem committed to providing the highest quality products at competitive pricing to our customers. Browse our product list to find out how we can best serve your needs.
Food additives
Optimize your food safety and sanitation and make the best products on the market with our creatively tailored solutions, superior technical expertise and genuine customer focus.
We offer various high quality food additives in cheese, fluid milk, ice cream, cultured products, chocolate, meat, beverage, brewing, vegetable, and canning sectors etc...
Product name | Specification |
Ammunium Bicarbonate | Food grade/E503 |
Aspartame | FCC4/USP29 |
Calcium Propionate | FCC5 |
Creatine Monohydrate | 99.5% |
Dextrin | Food grade |
Dextrose Monohydrate | Food grade |
Disodium Phosphate | Food grade |
Monosodium Glutamate | 90%, 98%, 99% |
Potassium Sorbate | FCC4 |
Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) | Food grade |
Sodium Benzoate | BP98/FCC5 |
Sodium Bicarbonate | Food grade |
Sodium Citrate | BP2011/USP29 |
Sodium Pyrophosphate (TSPP) | Food grade |
Sodium Saccharine | BP2011/USP30/EP5 |
Sorbitol | FCC5/USP32 |
Soya Lecithin | Food grade |
Sucralose | FCC5/USP31 |
Vanillin | FCC4 |
Xanthan Gum | FCC4 |
For detail on SLRChem products(Food additives) and service , please contact Customer Service Department at +86-311-87713810, or